If you are thinking of joining us, or want to meet one of us to ask a few questions, one option is to come along to one of our friendly evening meetings. Come along and say hello to one of our committee members. We wear badges so we are easy to find.
The motorcyclists in the group also have social rides - dates and routes are sent out to motorcyclist members via email.
Email is used to send notices about all meetings - if you are not receiving them please send our membership secretary an email so we can make sure you are on our email list. (See committee page). If you change your email address you can update our email system yourself (via link at end of any of our emails)
Speaker: Stewart Mackie, IAM's Regional Road Safety Manager for the north. This will be a Q&A session so please come along with your questions
Location: Falkirk Fire Station
Speaker: Thomas Mitchell, who is a partner at Motorcycle Law Scotland and will be talking on "Collisions, Compensation, Case Studies & Civil Law" Thomas is an IAM member (car and motorcycle with Borders) and is also a mountain biker.
Location: Falkirk Fire Station
Speaker: Alan Biggar, a retired investment manager with a keen interest in historic motorsports. 10,412 Miles for Teenage Cancer Trust in 10 Years Hear Alan’s stories of the four charity drives he organised, using his stable of classic Morgan cars.
Location: Falkirk Fire Station
Speaker: Robin Iffla, MBE, on embracing Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in everything that we do.
Robin is a former police officer and board member for the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service. He was awarded the MBE in the 2016 New Year Honours list for his work in Equalities and Social Cohesion. Robin has also served as Chair of the Independent Review Board on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and Human Resources for Police Scotland.
Location: Falkirk Fire Station
Speaker: Steve Davie - Watch Commander, Scottish Fire and Rescue and Lead Instructor for Biker Down Scotland for our region. This will include a hands on session demonstrating how to safely remove a helmet from a motorcycle casualty. Vital information for any driver or rider out on our roads.
Location: Falkirk Fire Station
Speaker: David McKenzie from Transport Scotland - on PRIME Markings - Some of you may have seen PRIME markings appearing ahead of more and more bends in the highlands. Now you can hear the research behind them.
Location: Falkirk Fire Station
Our speaker for the November meeting will be Police Constable Allan Russell who is a Road Policing Advanced Forensic Collision Investigator.
Location: Falkirk Fire Station
The speaker for the October Members‘ Meeting will be IAM Roadsmart Examiner Lee Fisher. This ‘Meet the Examiner’ session will be especially useful for Associates and Observers.
Location: Falkirk Fire Station
Our AGM will be on zoom this year and details of the zoom event will be emailed to members. For the AGM papers please see Newsletter 43
Location: Zoom
Ross Tuffee is the co-ordinator for the Forth Valley group of Blood Bikes Scotland https://bloodbikesscotland.co.uk/, and he will be telling us about the important work that the BBS volunteers do. BBS is always looking for volunteers - riders and drivers are required to have passed one of the approved Advanced Motoring tests but there are also roles for folks without advanced qualifications.
Location: Stirling Smith Museum
Scott Tulip - Topic: Rider Training in Nepal.
Scott is an Area Delivery Manager for IAM but was asked to go out to Nepal for the IAM to help train Gurkhas to be better riders. This will be on zoom as Scott is based down in England. The joining instructions will be on email to members but others are welcome - please use the contact form if you want the link.
Quiz Night.
Location: TBA
Stephen Carr - Mental Health Motorbike
Topics include: The effects of poor mental health on driving and riding
Location: Zoom - connection details on email
Our bi-monthly meet of our motorcyclists group .
This one is an opportunity to practise Slow Riding Skills. See email for more details.
Location: Carpark beside B&M Superstore, Springkerse Retail Park FK7 7T
AGM - Annual General Meeting.
Hear how the group is being run, about plans for future events, about who does what on the committee and have your say - what would you like to see improved?
More details on how to connect to this zoom meeting will be given direct to our local members and associates via email
Alan Hiscox, Director of Access, British Horse Society - Topic: How car drivers and motorcycle riders can help to keep horses and theirs rider safe on the roads.
This has always been an important consideration for Advanced Drivers and Riders and is especially pertinent in the light of the recent changes to the Highway Code.
Our bi-monthly meet of our motorcyclists group - this month Lee Fisher (one of our local IAM examiners) is giving us a talk. Come along and pick his brains.
Motorcyclist or Motorist First on Scene - Part Two
James Marsh, Education Lead for the Scottish Ambulance Service and also a UK registered paramedic, will be giving us this talk. Part 1 was in October and members found this so interesting and had so many questions, and James had so much detail to give that he only managed to get half way through his talk - so we invited him back to finish the talk!
More details on how to connect to this zoom meeting will be given direct to our local members and associates via email.
Vanessa Ruck - The Girl On A Bike
After being hit by a car while cycling in 2014, Vanessa's world was turned upside down. Motorcycles weren't a part of her life before the accident, but have been instrumental in her recovery. She's an enduro and Harley rider and is determined to make the most of every day. She is a huge social media influencer within the adventure motorcycling world and will be joining us to share here life changing story from accident to Harley-Davidson and hard enduro and even, finishing Red Bull Romaniacs.
This meeting will start with our formal AGM for 2021, followed by Vanessa’s talk.
More details on how to connect to this zoom meeting will be given direct to our local members and associates via email.
Motorcyclist or Motorist First on Scene
James Marsh, Education Lead for the Scottish Ambulance Service and also a UK registered paramedic, will be giving us this talk.
More details on how to connect to this zoom meeting will be given direct to our local members and associates via email.
The official notice of the AGM is in the latest newsletter (on email to all our group members). If you are a member and have not received please get in contact.
TBC - Unfortunately our speaker on Smart Motorways has been called away to a project outside the UK. We are currently working to re-book.
AGM - Annual General Meeting. This has been postponed to a date to be arranged once we can all get safely out and about. Alternatively we may have it as a virtual meeting using Zoom. We will let you know via email.
IAM Related Pub Quiz!
One of our busy car-observers is creating a pub-quiz style event for you. Please come along and pit your knowledge (and memory) against fellow members and associates. Learn something, and learn what you need to polish up! We will set up teams when you arrive. There is a distinct possibility of prize
HGV driving and its challenges - Neil Warden
Neil is Aberdeen based and has been a member of the IAM for 25 years.
He has fulfilled many different roles in the Aberdeen group, which include Chairman, secretary, and also was Regional Group Co-ordinator for many years.
Currently, Neil works as a compliance manager for an international road haulage company.
Biker Down
The October members meeting talk will be given by Gary Wood of Biker Down and will demonstrate why everybody, drivers, bikers, and pedestrians need to know what to do if they are first on scene at an accident involving a motorcyclist.
Location - Falkirk Fire Station FK2 9AH
Scott Tulip - IAM Roadsmart Area Service Delivery Manager for Scotland - Joint meeting with Lanarkshire Advanced Motorists.
Location: Strathclyde Country Park, Motherwell.
AGM - Annual General Meeting.
David McKenzie - Special Projects Manager from Transport Scotland talking on Average Speed Cameras.
John Baxter from Blood-Bikes Scotland is talking about their service delivering blood and other urgent medical supplies for the NHS. A new Forth-Valley week-day service is starting soon, come along and find out how you might be able to help
Location - Falkirk Fire Station
Mike Quinton, the new Chief Executive of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, is coming up to Scotland at the invitation of the "Glasgow North" group. He is presenting to the group and they have invited other nearby groups to benefit from this and have organized a large venue to make this possible. It will be in Bishopbriggs. Please arrive from 7pm.
Topic: Autonomy and the Enthusiast - Richard Harris
Like it or not, self-driving cars are coming. Once we strip away the hype and the fear-mongering, what is the reality of autonomous vehicles, when will they be with us, and what will that mean for those of us who invest time and energy in becoming ‘advanced’ riders and drivers?
Richard has been involved in both AI and virtual or augmented reality for more than quarter of a century - nearly as long as he’s been an IAM member. He is CEO of a Hollywood-based augmented reality company and is co-founder of an AI company that specialises in software that self-evolves to solve problems.
Location: Stirling Smith Museum
Topic: Road Engineering – Eric Hill, Principal Engineer Operational Road Safety, SWECO UK
Location - Falkirk Fire Station
Forth Valley Group are a friendly, informal group who are always looking to welcome new members or visitors.
We hold meetings where a topical driving/riding subject is discussed.
All talks/meetings commence at 7.30pm, so please arrive a few minutes before. All associates, members, non-members and friends are welcome.
If you are new to the group and perhaps have not yet even been allocated to an observer, please say hello to a committee member (we wear badges) so we can know who you are and introduce you to others.
Tea/Coffee is served at the end so you can chat and find out more.